Stay Ready by barbajoe

posted on: Feb 18, 2023

If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready

Or, "train to fight, not for a fight"

I've been sick this week, so no real training time. I've done a few minutes of stretching here and there when I've been feeling stiff, but I have been resting and healing as much as possible. And that's good and all, but it's hard to not train. And also easy to just want to be super lazy now that I'm feeling better. Which is weird. And a touch confusing... but anyway...

I did get a little bit of training time in this afternoon, and I feel weak! But I've been training pretty regularly, and I know that it'll come back easily. And I attribute that to the fact that I've been training so as to stay ready to fight.

Getting in shape for a fight is absurdly difficult, and especially so if you try to cram it all into a three to six week push. And that will work for some people, but most people not so much. Myself especially I have discovered. However, if I keep at those kick quotas every session, and I do my running, and my shadow drills, and all the rest, my body stays strong. And a week off to recover from a nasty cold or flu isn't all that bad.

So, train to fight. Not for a fight. You stay ready for it, you won't have to get ready.